The Number One Reason Your Outreach Isn't Working (And What To Do Instead)

Outreach is a lead gen tool, not a sales tool

Imagine going into a bar trying to pickup a girl.

You have someone in your sights.

You walk over to her, and ask her to marry you.

How many yes’s do you think you’d get?

She would of course (I hope) tell you where to get off.

However, if you went with a different approach… Capture her attention, Introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, start spending time together, demonstrate trust and value over the course of a year or two…

Then asked her to marry you… How many times out of 100 would she say yes compared to the first approach?

Obviously this is a ridiculously simplistic scenario.

But the facts of the above example are this:

You’ve approached a person who does not know you or anything about you with the intention of quickly tying up a deal (marriage, in this example).

In theory, it is no different to what most marketers and companies do when it comes to reaching out to new prospects.

How many messages have you received on LinkedIn like this:

“Hey, I can help you get XYZ. When are you free for a call?”

There is no amount of volume that will compensate for such a shitty understanding of the journey a prospect must go on before agreeing to get on a call with you.

And I’m not saying you need to wait a year before getting a prospect on a call as with the marriage example.

Supply and demand economics exist in the bar when you’re trying to pickup a girl just as much as they do when you’re reaching out to new prospects trying to get them on a call.

Based on what they currently know about you, you are in high supply.

Just another marketer/business owner trying to sell them a solution.

There’s thousands just like you at the very moment they read your first message.

How insane do you have to be to think otherwise?

And this way of thinking comes from the human need to have results right now.

Not in a month. Not in a year.

Right now.

If anybody sends you a message like the example I gave above, it should tell you 2 things:

They have no pipeline.

They need quick wins.

Not sure about you, but that is definitely not someone I would consider paying serious attention to.

Ice cold prospects don’t buy high ticket offers.

Nor do they book meetings (very often).

If they do book a meeting, they are 99.999% unlikely to buy.

And that’s if they even show up to the meeting.

But, you know what ice cold prospects do do a high % of the time (if you give them a good enough reason to)?

They hold their hand up to become a lead.

How do you give them a good enough reason to become a lead?

First, you capture their attention.

Second, you offer them something of real value and impact with nothing expected in return.

Nothing new here.

Good companies know this.

What’s weird is that most companies who run ads do this the right way pretty often.

But when it comes to outreach, the same companies skip the leg work and go for the quick win.

Almost as if they don’t take outreach seriously. To them it’s just something to mess around with to see if they can get some quick revenue in the door.

After focusing on outreach for front end lead generation almost exclusively for 3 years, I can promise you that if you aren’t taking it seriously, you aren’t taking your business seriously.

We bring in around 200 leads every day from our outreach systems because we understand the basic principle behind this post.

Outreach is for lead gen, not for sales.

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How To Get 15 Enquiries Per Week Using A One Sentence Outreach Campaign

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